Monday 9 January 2012

Math Pickle

This year I am the Math Lead teacher at my school. I am still trying to figure out what that really means, but it's an exciting role with great opportunities. I had the chance to attend a workshop put on by a mathematician in the area named Dr. Gordon Hamilton. He has created a web site called Math Pickle that hosts excellent math problems for students kindergarten through to grade 12. What I really love are the $1 000 000 unsolved problems. Dr. Gord, the mathematician, challenges students to solve a problem that has never been solved before and then get one million dollars. He does a great job of explaining everything on the web site through short videos. He even includes all of his templates for free!
His creativity and gift for making the problems beautiful make this a great site to use. The last thing I learned about Dr. Gord is that is very open to feedback and suggestions for new problems! So, if you have concept that you find particularly hard to teach, talk to Dr. Gord. He just might come up with a great problem for you to use with your students.

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